In science this week we have been learning about the heart and how it works. Along with this unit we also learnt how to dissect a lambs heart, we learnt what all the holes are and we also learnt what the heart does and how it pumps the blood. Something that I learnt was that there are different types of blood and there are different things making up the blood, this includes white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets and plasma. The different types of blood are DE-oxygenated blood and oxygenated blood. Oxygenated blood is blood that had just passed through the lungs to get oxygen and DE-oxygenated blood is blood travailing to the lungs to get more oxygen. Although it had a very bad smell it was so much fun, the photo I have shown is about the Respiration system with the labels of what they are.. Next year in science I am looking forward to doing more experiments.